Her decision is completely irrational. Especially when the father is about to die. And at his state of health, most likely will not see the kid anyway.作者: appleapple2 時間: 2013-8-8 05:36 PM
I did known some one did last year作者: Pedestrian_A 時間: 2013-8-10 04:21 AM
Here's the question, using Victor's sperm and Coco's egg mean the baby has nothing to do with Colby. That is a baby of Victor and Coco! In that case, Colby doesn't need to contribute any money to raise that child. I can't see why Coco doing such a stupid thing unless Victor is rich so she can have lots of money for the child after Victor passed away.作者: glibboy 時間: 2013-8-10 09:13 AM
做戲姐...肯定現實唔會有....呢一部分.真係超乎現實...作者: blackodin 時間: 2013-8-10 09:18 AM
呢段最白痴!為左做代母連個未婚夫都唔要! 5 o( o7 ?; L* d8 v5.39.217.77個朋友都吾會好意思拉!3 W5 Y, D. \) `. Q' y
點解唔搵其他人呢?貴D但個個都咁有錢~借比佢咪得羅!作者: keropi88 時間: 2013-8-10 11:21 AM
世界几千万人口,我就不信找不到代母,偏偏找自己最要好就来结婚的朋友做代母。那个colby叫她去死啦,什么叫做给她自私一次,你给我自私一次让我搞你一次可不可以 - }; u5 B5 d. O! c: T$ f( |4 G
nick讲的对,包容是有底线的。这个colby破坏人家的感情,真是自私 5 u8 c* e. P T. \公仔箱論壇5.39.217.77- @7 O/ v! @9 C5 x( f1 N2 B
我真的很讨厌这个colby作者: crystal1357 時間: 2013-8-10 12:36 PM
太太太自私law作者: vacationbear 時間: 2013-8-10 12:54 PM
I don't think its good for the friend. How about the future of the child?作者: dickjunge 時間: 2013-8-10 05:15 PM
甘既剧情,同呢个社会挂钩左,哈哈作者: 鬼虎 時間: 2013-8-10 05:59 PM
無記真係咩橋都有~~~~~~作者: yhy2006 時間: 2013-8-10 08:27 PM
接受唔到!!作者: enzymetcm 時間: 2013-8-11 01:36 AM
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: pull3 時間: 2013-8-11 02:41 AM
血癌是不是有機會遺傳? 0 M Q, r0 Y/ w& [* T5 Zpetragarden 發表於 2013-8-7 10:39 PM