女仔大都喜歡體貼些,公仔箱論壇* g; r r+ Y8 N
會積極計劃將來的男仔.作者: 风信子珊珊 時間: 2008-3-18 09:01 AM
hehe...i like humourous more...then the life woundn't be so bore lohhhh作者: czhjh 時間: 2008-3-23 10:18 AM
:onion18: thank作者: Raeii 時間: 2008-3-25 02:51 PM
中意有幽默感 that would be cool. funny and not always unhappy -.- and laugh at my jokes then we both would be happy :onion10:作者: aliceh94 時間: 2008-3-26 08:23 AM