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標題: Hard disk Tools [打印本頁]

作者: clarence2012    時間: 2012-8-7 05:49 PM     標題: Hard disk Tools

I wonder if any members have some ideas of hard disk maintanance tools. They are good for checking the health of your hard disk. I now that there are some hard disk tools in Windows OS such as chkdsk. But it seems that it is not convenience to use it. You have to go back to DOS mode or CMD mode.
作者: cck_my    時間: 2012-8-7 07:27 PM

Check Disk is not only work in DOS mode or CMD mode, the lack of knowledge about it make typical users have assumption like this. To check disk in windows: ... ard-disk-for-errors ... -a-drive-for-errors
作者: Cheval_Blanc    時間: 2012-8-7 09:03 PM

or you can try Defraggler, it"s free

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