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標題: [問題] 住美國東岸好定西岸好? [打印本頁]

作者: kerofaye    時間: 2012-7-12 12:43 AM     標題: 住美國東岸好定西岸好?

作者: alinalee    時間: 2012-7-12 12:51 AM

哈哈 只因為boston celtics
作者: kerofaye    時間: 2012-7-12 12:54 AM

哈哈 只因為boston celtics
alinalee 發表於 2012-7-12 12:51 AM
你住東岸嗎 ? 聽講好凍的
作者: sw21    時間: 2012-7-12 02:20 AM

i prefer west coast, been here 13 years
作者: summei0529    時間: 2012-7-13 03:20 AM

I am in West Coast and I love it~
作者: kerofaye    時間: 2012-7-13 03:28 AM

I am in West Coast and I love it~
summei0529 發表於 2012-7-13 03:20 AM
West coast seems to be more popular
作者: omonline    時間: 2012-7-13 07:30 AM

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作者: strivewind    時間: 2012-7-13 05:15 PM

I prefer east coast, 've lived in NY for 16 years.  Big city with so much to do.
作者: kerofaye    時間: 2012-7-13 09:14 PM

I prefer east coast, 've lived in NY for 16 years.  Big city with so much to do.
strivewind 發表於 2012-7-13 05:15 PM
SF & LA 都唔算細 但始終 NYC 係一個超級城巿

係 NYC 平時有乜野活動多 ?
作者: 綠水    時間: 2012-7-13 09:55 PM

作者: kerofaye    時間: 2012-7-13 09:59 PM

綠水 發表於 2012-7-13 09:55 PM
好有道理...不過因為時差, 西岸要一早起身抄股
作者: Icedtea_822    時間: 2012-9-4 12:54 PM

I Love LA.
作者: 1388888    時間: 2012-9-6 09:41 PM

if you want to make a living then east coast NY, if you want to relax and have a easy life then west coast is suit for you.
作者: toshi    時間: 2012-10-10 07:12 AM

voting for west coast!
作者: honeys    時間: 2012-10-13 10:05 PM

作者: 112200    時間: 2012-10-14 02:29 AM

住美国中部 沙漠最好
作者: pull3    時間: 2012-10-14 04:58 AM

I Lived in Massachusetts for 2 years, Wisconsin 2 years, Iowa 6 months, California 1 year, so I am entitled to give some worthy opinions.

North = Snow Storms  + super cold
South = Tornadoes + super hot
West = earthquakes
Middle = Boring
East = Better than nothing. <--- best choice
作者: 112200    時間: 2012-10-14 06:34 AM

楼上讲 全错  德州最好  咩天灾都冇  你甘怕 不如返去大陆住啦
作者: pull3    時間: 2012-10-14 07:19 AM

本帖最後由 pull3 於 2012-10-14 07:44 AM 編輯
楼上讲 全错  德州最好  咩天灾都冇  你甘怕 不如返去大陆住啦
112200 發表於 2012-10-14 06:34 AM
Which part exactly was I wrong? And you have got to be kidding me. Texas no natural disasters? Do you even live in Texas?

I am just saying, don't live on the West, as opposed to many people recommend here. Let's say you have 70 years of life. I guarantee you will see at least, 3-4 Gigantic, level 7+ earthquakes during your lifetime.

When it happens, bridges collapse, buildings fall, thousands of casualties, countless of homeless people, economy won't recover for a few year.

I am sorry, do your own maths.
作者: rcflin    時間: 2012-10-22 04:18 PM

Bay area is a lot better than east coast !! Weather is perfect, traffic is not bad as NYC, easy to get to everywhere and it is more safe to live there compare NYC.
作者: buhin    時間: 2012-10-23 04:37 AM

作者: zaq890123    時間: 2012-10-24 02:52 AM

作者: daihaumui    時間: 2012-11-2 04:00 AM

作者: qq617    時間: 2012-11-3 08:44 AM

West Coast is by far better because of the weather is more consistent throughout the year.
作者: renren123    時間: 2012-11-3 09:14 AM

東岸就揀紐約、新澤西或New England以上,千祈咪揀DC、Baltimore,會悶死你!
撇除地震因素,西岸可以考慮Oregon或華盛頓州,CA就唔使考慮皆因人口稠密、油價、物價又係全美最貴,sales tax比紐約重高!
作者: king100    時間: 2012-11-3 11:44 AM

作者: A49377    時間: 2012-11-3 08:46 PM

4# sw21 good
作者: A49377    時間: 2012-11-3 08:47 PM

17# pull3 bad
作者: Stanley129    時間: 2012-11-5 09:32 PM


作者: hcju    時間: 2012-11-6 04:26 AM

楼上讲 全错  德州最好  咩天灾都冇  你甘怕 不如返去大陆住啦
112200 發表於 2012-10-14 06:34 AM

作者: 123got.t    時間: 2012-11-6 07:51 PM

西岸飛返香港都快d la, 不過係加州多嘢玩同食,西岸最好住加州
作者: web9393    時間: 2012-11-12 03:57 PM

I like west coast, Bay area, East bay or San Francisco the weather is nice. I also love the museums in NYC.
作者: anson163    時間: 2012-11-13 10:19 AM

作者: runaway383    時間: 2012-11-13 11:05 AM

作者: cyrusbaby    時間: 2012-11-18 06:48 AM

East coast New york price is very stable, price is not a lot. good investment place
作者: yuziirvine    時間: 2012-11-23 05:47 PM

作者: patsh723    時間: 2012-11-23 10:18 PM

Depends your like and your job.
作者: viper168    時間: 2012-11-25 03:15 AM

yeah, agree, depend where can you find a job that make your living.  I never live in East coast before, but I am very satisfy with LA, at least it's easier to find a free parking in most of the places.  Also I think NY is hot with high humidity, LA is hot with dry air, sometimes it's too dry, and never snow in the city, or at least I never seen it in the city.
Depends your like and your job.
patsh723 發表於 2012-11-23 10:18 PM

作者: azzhole    時間: 2012-11-25 09:04 AM

Hawaii is the best place to stay in US. other than that, i would stay in HK
作者: sunny4b    時間: 2012-11-25 09:33 AM

east side ,I live in NY,Big apple city.And my work is fashion,must live in NY.
作者: clarxwind    時間: 2012-11-25 10:23 PM

作者: mhyung    時間: 2012-11-25 11:59 PM


作者: nolovers    時間: 2012-11-27 11:29 AM

作者: molouis    時間: 2012-11-27 12:30 PM

我住LA, 好多中國人, 多到你唔會覺得自己係美國.....
作者: YyakK3    時間: 2012-11-28 08:48 AM

i prefer west coast, its more relax!
作者: michellemaria    時間: 2012-11-29 10:43 AM

West coast because there is no snow
作者: rwmlau2004    時間: 2012-11-30 09:11 AM

好似東岸好 d
作者: tommy596302    時間: 2012-12-4 12:56 AM

15# honeys
Yes, 我住 Portland OR
作者: vonkalu    時間: 2012-12-8 05:00 PM

兩邊都往過 西邊冇咁悶
作者: ahjeff00    時間: 2012-12-9 10:47 AM

West.... more fun
作者: easylove0811    時間: 2012-12-14 05:40 PM

作者: hkginlax    時間: 2012-12-15 01:57 PM

West coast weather is much better. I live in California for the last 24 years, will never want to live in other states.
作者: xiaobenben    時間: 2012-12-15 03:32 PM

I vote for west coast,  California has the best weather, sunny most of the days.
作者: Dandeliontvb    時間: 2012-12-15 03:53 PM

如果你常回亞洲, 西岸回去可以少飛5個小時, 來回就少飛十個小時 :p
每個人的喜好都不太一樣, 很難說東岸好還是西岸比較適合吧?
作者: sthbei    時間: 2012-12-15 04:47 PM

i wanna know too
作者: gala    時間: 2012-12-16 05:33 AM

作者: abanaba    時間: 2012-12-16 07:56 AM

There are fine places in both the east and west coast.  I like Boston for its schools and culture.
作者: 蓝天使888    時間: 2012-12-16 09:01 AM

作者: humphrey12hk    時間: 2012-12-17 11:10 AM

I prefer Western coast, such as LA, san faranisco, it means California. This is because it have a great sunshire, weather is fine similar to Hong Kong. Less humidity. Also a lot of asian live around Bay Region. such as Chinese, Korean , Malaysis and HongKong guys. ha.ha. it is a wonderful place for retirement.
作者: rossho    時間: 2012-12-17 01:19 PM

作者: flyeee    時間: 2012-12-17 01:53 PM

west coast, closer to asia.
作者: viper168    時間: 2012-12-17 04:22 PM

In LA, you don't have snow problem in the city, and only 2hr drive to ski area in the winter.
作者: ahqoo    時間: 2012-12-17 05:19 PM

I prefer New York.  but I enjoy the weather in west coast
作者: ANASPACE    時間: 2012-12-18 03:05 AM

I like west coast, SF to LA.
作者: jul2009    時間: 2012-12-18 07:58 AM

西岸...not so cold lol
作者: drewan    時間: 2012-12-18 11:27 AM

I like west coast more , people in the west coast are more casual !!!
作者: whatsup    時間: 2012-12-18 11:33 AM

West coast has better weather and lifestyle.
作者: limoanna    時間: 2012-12-18 01:20 PM

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作者: johnyhoward    時間: 2012-12-19 10:08 PM

Why go to U.S.?  Nothing good there.
Canada or Australia are a lot better and far more comfortable.
作者: bb246    時間: 2012-12-19 11:13 PM

I love 西岸I - LA/SF
作者: bigflag    時間: 2012-12-19 11:56 PM

我鐘意西岸, 天氣好D, 近亞洲,返香港近D, 中國菜好食D, 多高科技就業機會
作者: 523220    時間: 2012-12-20 12:17 AM

of course voting for west coast! Especially California!!!
作者: LittleYawn2    時間: 2012-12-22 09:13 AM

作者: kwbago    時間: 2012-12-22 10:44 AM

Midwest, we have 4 seasons here
作者: Joyrider    時間: 2012-12-22 11:10 PM

kerofaye 發表於 2012-7-12 12:43 AM
作者: hsbcboc01    時間: 2012-12-24 04:07 PM

also voting for west coast
作者: accjos    時間: 2012-12-24 05:21 PM

ok with me lol.....
作者: andely    時間: 2013-1-13 04:51 PM

作者: generalid    時間: 2013-1-14 01:12 AM

作者: shanpak    時間: 2013-1-14 04:26 AM

依我愚見,兩邊都冇著數,西岸常說有地震威脅, 東岸近數年又常被颶風蹂躪
作者: wlc976    時間: 2013-1-18 02:30 PM

当然是西岸了 美东就是商业都市 美西适合生活哦
作者: cvan    時間: 2013-1-19 05:30 PM

本帖最後由 cvan 於 2013-1-19 05:48 PM 編輯

East Coast = Lot of snow! Very very cold.... but more big cities and nice places to go.  Good public transportation.  
West Coast = Sunny weather, chance of earthquake.  Need car to go anywhere. Expensive to live there. But lot of good food, famous restaurants, and National parks.  Gulf Coast = Sunny Hot weather, hurricanes  in the summer, tornado in some area.  Can drive to Disney, lot of beaches.  People are very nice there.  Great for retirement.

I have lived in all the coastal areas, and each have something I like.  If you don't mind cold weather and snow, Boston, Chicago, Washington D.C. are very nice to live.  California really is too expensive to live, and 4 seasons in a day is too much... we have 30 degrees different from day to night.... sometimes there is ice cover the car in the morning...
作者: 大文細佬    時間: 2013-1-24 12:47 AM

比我個個人意見你吖. 唔係因為我住响西岸就話西岸好, 只係由天氣黎講... 我就覺天氣西岸會好啲.. 因為唔會太凍, 由其California, 加上e+ California既bay area多咗華人住, 同聲同氣嘛

不過要考慮天災--(地震).. 唔知幾時會發生... 東岸同埋中部既天災都唔少架
作者: viper168    時間: 2013-1-24 11:09 AM

how about some weather map here.
作者: serrurier    時間: 2013-1-26 05:14 AM

作者: t61p    時間: 2013-2-11 09:05 PM

Been in NY over 10 years. East Coast would be my choice.
作者: klamb    時間: 2013-2-13 06:51 AM

本帖最後由 klamb 於 2013-2-13 07:31 AM 編輯

東南海岸 或 西南海岸。不錯 . 中北部 和 中南部 . 麻麻  .(大冷 大熱) 我住在芝加哥,運氣,我們有一個湖 ,稍微好一點
退休  東南 (加州) 西南 (north or south Carolina , Georgia and Florida )挺好.
為生活 任何地方還行 ,必須有一個工作 ,  如果有時間可以去任何地方 .去更多的地方,了解更多,

作者: tivib    時間: 2013-2-17 11:06 AM

ge ren ren wen haishi dong hai an ha
作者: 克蘭提斯    時間: 2013-2-26 11:54 AM

作者: franco171554    時間: 2013-3-4 09:54 AM


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