Eiden Hazard should be buy...Because Arsenal currently dont have any talent attacking midfield.....should be a sub defensive midfield in-case Alex Song injury....but really buy a left back....marcelo is the best choice..作者: kikideebaby 時間: 2012-2-20 11:42 PM
今季還未打完,咁快就說下季,不如快些想啲方法解决現時劣勢仲好啦!作者: myalligator 時間: 2012-2-21 01:08 AM
計我話桑治夾華美倫打中間後衛,中場用亞迪達、比拜勇、魯錫斯基,亞迪達逗后踢防守中場,最少d後防唔會比人話過就過,下幾輪踢熱剌、利物浦、紐卡素,防守太重要,贏1場其餘守和,前4都重叫做有d希望!作者: rita12345 時間: 2012-2-21 07:14 AM
I think the gunner should try every effort to keep RVP in the team for next season. Also, they should buy some exprienced player to mix up with the young team. Of course, good defenders as well.作者: noandjune 時間: 2012-2-24 12:32 PM