那你就要注意他的‘操守’了,毕竟虽然是残忍了点,但这也是防止更多流浪猫的出现才不得已这样做的。作者: s04034 時間: 2012-1-4 12:09 AM
都係兩面睇......作者: cybercat2012 時間: 2012-2-24 02:09 AM
快做啦,小好多病痛架,為貓咪著想作者: lovingvenus 時間: 2012-2-26 12:16 AM
因為居住環境的問題, 香港很多貓都要做絕育.
我之前養了 3 隻貓, 都去做了. 因為囝會四維射尿, 一見牠發情便拿去做了.
好的獸醫, 做完後是沒有什麼問題. 3 隻都養了12-13年才死.
現在養了一隻女, 沒有給牠做絕育, 只是偶然幾日會喵個不停...便又沒事了.
這女我沒想帶牠去做手術.作者: qscwdvef 時間: 2012-3-14 06:42 PM
殘忍就要看你自已的決定了作者: funnygal 時間: 2012-3-19 10:49 PM
Not at all...it is better for his health作者: 血染死神 時間: 2012-3-26 04:22 PM
我觉得残忍,因为你没有权利剥夺它的肉体啊,没错,很多人都说为了它好,为了它健康,可是如果你站在它的立场呢?如果你是动物的话,主人要阉了你,你会怎么想?作者: 96868003djy 時間: 2012-4-4 02:41 AM
可惜啊作者: batmse 時間: 2012-4-8 09:55 PM
have to do it for its own health ...no method作者: popoeliz 時間: 2012-4-10 08:07 PM
3#木人仔The alternative is lots of wild cat. Wild cat killing native wild live. Forest ranger resorting to hunt wild cat by guns or even worse by baiting. e.g. dissolving panadol in milk. This would destroy the cat's liver function. The wild cat would die in a very painful death but minimal impact to other wild life. Even if you live in city, wild cat living on garbage... I think it is just cruel. Or euthanasia by your local humane society.
What I am saying the alternative of not desexing your pet is outright "EVIL", "CRUEL", "IRRESPONSIBLE" (take a pick)? there is not much if or but. The only case that you do not desex your pet is if and only if you intend to breed the dog or cat for a period of time. When you finish breeding the pet, you should still desex the pet.
There are other advantage of desexing pet. The life expectancy of the dog and cat improve a lot ~couple years typically, check with your vet. (mainly apply to female).
In modern society, a responsible father/husband would choose to perform vasectomy. The risk of complication for male is much lower than female. Even this is acceptable for human society. Why do you think it is not acceptable for cat/dog?
I am not trying to start a flame war nor behave as a troll. The idea of not de-sexing your pet and responsible pet ownership just don't add up.