[youtube]fLPMLJgGsiA[/youtube] 0 |, I; t* O9 m- A5.39.217.77 / ~; n% [+ o S0 Y# t* \鬼月影響力無遠弗屆,遠在紐約都會發生靈異事件!一名穿著入時的女孩漫步街頭,但在她的脖子上方竟不是頭,取而代之是一個四面都有螢幕的黑色方盒,而女孩的臉孔則詭異地出現在正面螢幕上,打量著來往的路人…公仔箱論壇* m* P a9 K c8 g# L
公仔箱論壇) e; ], m8 k- s. `& x5 @- M
「iPad頭女孩」悠閒地在路邊咖啡座看書,吸引眾人好奇圍觀;起先路人只敢在遠處觀望,後來有人壯起膽子,站在女孩的身後仔細端詳,更拿出手機拍下古怪的一幕。最後一名男子乾脆拉了張椅子坐在女孩前面,伸手觸碰「臉螢幕」,沒想到畫面瞬間切換成雜誌的內容。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ s# ?5 z9 y; ~* b5 N
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# z" M8 b3 J$ S5 ]. G1 t
事實上,這支恐怖短片是一本雜誌的宣傳廣告,該雜誌只在iPad上供人購買、閱讀。他們將四台iPad做成帽子,並利用一副能放映即時視覺的眼鏡,讓裡面的女孩看見外在情況;廣告的概念則在於,「如果你是名好膽的男子漢,敢摸『iPad頭女孩』的臉,就能一窺成人的世界」。作者: kimmi8k 時間: 2011-11-5 02:50 PM
Just another gimmick to draw some attention. Nothing really cool or fun. I personally do not want to buy one of that, or walk around wearing that clumsy head ipad. ; h- P" A& c" b8 w& Q4 nRather get the regular ones where it can provide lots of entertaining, fun and convenience plus I can also work with it. + z& O3 L: I" ^ i. m
Thumbs down for that girl, but might be useful for some business people who want to have a walking flyer, to sell their products hehe!作者: ah1z 時間: 2011-11-5 05:52 PM