#16000 | #16666 | #16888 | #16999 | #17111 |
#17333 | #17777 | #17988 | #18222 | #18350 |
#18699 | #18888 | #18999 | #19155 | #19300 |
#19650 | #19999 | #20000 | #20350 | #20788 |
#20888 | #20999 | #21111 | #21555 | #21888 |
#21990 | #22222 | #22333 | #22688 | #22999 |
#23230 | #23777 | #23989 | #24242 | #24833 |
#25000 | #25252 | #25555 | #25993 | #26004 |
#26336 | #26666 | #26888 | #27000 | #27277 |
#27577 | #27877 | #27985 | #28000 | |
小I support your efford
but it is too hard for me to understand
can you please make it easy for me
U didn't answer Cat Cat's question
ADTVB 發表於 2011-10-20 09:56 AM
相反如果系限定时间里面某人估中/踩中,奖金会每一 ...
Shadowkail 發表於 20-10-2011 10:07 AM
suggestion : why don't take the 4D number from toto/magnum/big sweep on weekend as a game? ...guess the opening number of it.., how u all think?
tnehchuan 發表於 2011-10-20 02:47 PM
Just take the number of every 1st price...number range is from 0001 to 9999.....say easy also not easy...
like example take only the result on every sunday...so every week we can guess the number of ...
tnehchuan 發表於 2011-10-20 02:56 PM
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