杀死 Jodie 的凶手不是 Baico,是 TVB!有3部车,两部 van 到现场,整班人到齐,合力做围墙救她不是没事咯!点解他们不去救人?原因很简单...是因为导演落了 order 不可以救她,导演说大佬(TVB) 要她死!你们全部站在这里看她怎么死!于是刘松仁就看不过眼,自己一个人跑上去救她。可惜太迟了...最冤枉就是 Baico,他明明就知道是大佬(TVB)做死 Jodie 的,但是不敢讲,就白白吃了只死猫。最惨其实是 laughing,他明知道是大佬(TVB)做死 Jodie 的,但是不敢找他报仇,唯有杀 Baico 泄愤。(纯粹搞笑)作者: kage_zone 時間: 2011-9-10 04:45 AM
不如揾你去做編劇好過啦, 哈哈 XD作者: gohmui 時間: 2011-9-10 04:45 AM
yes agreed, but jodie dead is not a loss作者: kinchio 時間: 2011-9-10 05:57 AM
haha.. 真係有笑到囉.. 作者: mrfusion 時間: 2011-9-10 08:23 AM
the scene, at least the way they do it, does not makes sense, it is clear Jodie did not try hard to hold on for that extra few second, for Gong Sir to hold on to Laughting.& |3 Y% R2 W' I- ?
$ U& w# w; s- g! N- E2 v5 x) ?# M
as with the rest of the cops, there is really nothing they can do from the bottom, but only Gong sir rush up does not make sense. After all, Gung sir is old, those younger cops should make it to the top much faster then Gong Sir,.作者: csfstar 時間: 2011-9-10 11:37 AM
黃日華......???? no idea but tvb is like .....作者: Pineapple888 時間: 2011-9-14 12:53 AM
完全唔明點解咁多車去到現場,都唔見有人落車支援。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ p5 } P- ]! I5 Y) N7 [
最後得鞏sir慢動作落車,俾個驚恐表情5.39.217.77! H( a$ V' H7 o* K
仲要咁長時間都無人可以揾嘢墊住係Jodie下面tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 J3 R3 K& e) B9 S9 a' a/ R c0 x% V: Q9 G6 h* V
TVB啲編劇點做嘢架....作者: feedezz 時間: 2011-9-14 02:33 AM
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: TheOldMan 時間: 2011-9-14 09:31 AM
哈哈!!!!!作者: cheejeng7 時間: 2011-9-14 05:37 PM
some say ending is dissapointed, some say will have movie version.. & d9 E/ I* L, \: f9 @7 IFor me i think Jodie's dead is normal, sometimes although we wan a happy ending.. 0 @3 R0 S, c+ ?: ~- ?, vBut sometimes we also will say y the good person always no die... haha~作者: huynh.vietthanh 時間: 2011-9-17 12:28 PM