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標題: 請問意粉煮幾多分鐘至叫啱啱好 [打印本頁]

作者: Alien_Godzilla    時間: 2011-6-10 09:55 AM     標題: 請問意粉煮幾多分鐘至叫啱啱好

請問意粉煮幾多分鐘至叫啱啱好, 唔太林, 又唔太硬 ??
作者: ETBT666    時間: 2011-6-10 10:37 AM

通常在意粉包裝都印有烹煮時間. 最重要是用足夠份量開水和在水中加鹽.在接近指定烹煮時間時可取出一條意粉試試.如太硬可再煮一會.多試幾次就可以掌握.
作者: loafer80    時間: 2011-7-9 03:37 AM

yes the package should tell you how long.. typically around 10mins, so you should try the paste at 8mins.. and onward, until its the doness you prefer.

also the more water the better, ideally the water shouldn't cool down too much after the pasta is in.  the water must be salted (also as salty as sea water) and never put oil in the water.
作者: stevenau    時間: 2011-11-30 08:47 PM

Thanks for sharing!
作者: seasky    時間: 2011-12-13 08:03 PM


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