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標題: [Windows] Microsoft即將釋放Service Pack 3 fo XP & Pack 1 for Vista [打印本頁]

作者: jwxie518    時間: 2007-8-17 01:49 AM     標題: Microsoft即將釋放Service Pack 3 fo XP & Pack 1 for Vista


這應該是XP的最後一個SP, 因為在未來三到五年Microsoft估計Vista會慢慢進入主流
目前只有XP仍舊保持, 其他的像ME, 98, 這些都早已經被放棄了
2003也是差不多準備離開, 因為新的Server System: Server 2007 (Longhorn)

SP1, 儘管是在升級相容性和臭蟲, 其實現在距離發佈還是很久的

目前都只是一個preview, 大概是beta的意思
這個大概要到下年的時候, SP3和VSP1才會出現

至於SP3則是一個XP的終結, 這個是我不願意看到

Microsoft releases service-pack previews for Vista, XP
IDG News Service 8/7/07

Elizabeth Montalbano, IDG News Service, New York Bureau

Microsoft Corp. has quietly released pre-beta code to two forthcoming Windows service packs to testers in the past week, but the company continues to remain vague about when the final code for Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Vista SP1 will make it to end users.
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Microsoft confirmed Tuesday that it released preview code for both XP SP3, but still would not say directly when the updates to each OS will be released in their final versions.

While Microsoft said it will have a beta of Vista SP1 available "sometime this year," it won't commit to a more firm date or speculate when the final release will be available. Some insiders had expected a beta to be available by now, though one has yet to materialize. As for Windows XP SP3, Microsoft said it is shooting for the first half of next year, but called that date "preliminary" and declined to disclose more details.

A third service pack for XP, which has been in the works for some time, may seem a moot point now that Vista has been available to consumers for about seven months and to business users for nine. However, there are many XP users, particularly business customers, that would find a third service pack for the OS valuable, said Samir Bhavnani, a research director at Current Analysis West.

"A lot of businesses will run XP for a while before they migrate," he said. "I think people always underestimate how much testing is done before someone upgrades to a new generation OS. Many of Microsoft's best customers won't use Vista for years."

That said, Vista SP1 also is an important release for spurring business users to upgrade to the newest OS, Bhavnani said. "SP1 is a very big mental hurdle to clear," he said. "SP1 will get a lot more businesses to adopt Vista than the version that exists today."

Bhavnani deemed the releases made available to testers in the last week minor developments, but said that they do show some progress on Microsoft's part to get the service packs out the door. On the other hand, they also stir up more anxiety among Windows users about when the next service packs will be available, he said.
Elizabeth Montalbano is a senior writer for the IDG News Service.

[ 本帖最後由 jwxie518 於 2007-8-17 01:17 PM 編輯 ]
作者: fang911    時間: 2007-8-18 04:21 PM

作者: z0012854    時間: 2007-8-19 12:33 AM


Vista裝唔到 16bit軟件:onion03:
作者: goghost38    時間: 2007-8-19 02:14 AM

It's really or not?
作者: jwxie518    時間: 2007-8-20 06:21 AM

原帖由 z0012854 於 2007-8-19 12:33 AM 發表。

Vista裝唔到 16bit軟件:onion03:
z00, 做乜?_? hahaha, 你不如裝番xp啦
- -何況xp3給xp, hahaha
作者: z0012854    時間: 2007-8-21 01:48 AM

原帖由 jwxie518 於 2007-8-20 06:21 AM 發表。 

z00, 做乜?_? hahaha, 你不如裝番xp啦
- -何況xp3給xp, hahaha
 :onion14: 我係拍左佢未用過,
裝了kis7.0.0.119 2天 如果再冇問題推介比你:onion05:
作者: garoo    時間: 2007-8-25 07:08 PM

thx for sharing
作者: tongricky    時間: 2007-8-26 10:47 AM

有个中国DIY版XP SP3 想知更多可自巳到国内web找Windows.XP.Professional.SP3.Unoffical.CHS-XRacZ
作者: kingjames    時間: 2007-8-26 04:19 PM

thx 4 sharing
:onion14: :onion14: :onion14:
作者: izhuhai    時間: 2007-8-27 08:22 AM

it is good news!
作者: taizilim    時間: 2007-10-1 05:19 AM

香港 TV 劇集
作者: dk411    時間: 2007-10-6 08:14 AM

作者: magic0c    時間: 2007-10-8 08:49 PM

When I was upgrading my computer from XP to Vista, no video card drivers supported.
Switch back to XP.
Waiting the Service Pack come out

Thanks c仔
作者: 1/5    時間: 2007-10-12 04:09 PM

我係雜誌到睇過,將釋放Service Pack 3 fo XP & Pack 1 for Vista 我覺得係Microsoft迫我地升級,唔係都唔多人會用Vista啦....:024:

作者: smsl    時間: 2007-11-2 03:04 AM

longhorn i thot is replace by vista ? coz longhorn info was come before vista .
作者: jamlai    時間: 2007-12-6 03:40 AM

thank you my next will using Vista
作者: konica    時間: 2007-12-6 03:05 PM

support thx U
作者: donaskme88    時間: 2008-3-3 11:33 PM

thanks 4 sharing:014:
作者: joesyip    時間: 2008-4-9 02:43 PM     標題: 回復 #1 jwxie518 的帖子

作者: 阿YO    時間: 2008-4-13 09:46 AM


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