i always think cinema is the ghosts that like to stay in there.....cos it is dark and cool everytime...ll no sun shine....作者: JOY 時間: 2006-8-22 01:12 AM
係咩,我住向對面架喎,如果戲院改做球場或公園都幾好用...作者: dl0079 時間: 2006-8-22 01:34 AM
What kind of mystery still having right now? Can you tell us some of it? Thank you.作者: nbnop 時間: 2006-8-22 04:49 AM
我以前都係附近讀書波,但是未聽過呢單嘢。' d6 x4 e* L. V9 t' P h' y, @- g
不過間戲院望落都好恐怖囉作者: shek_207 時間: 2008-10-15 05:13 PM