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標題: 10-11赛季湖人阵容大解剖 [打印本頁]

作者: kingjames    時間: 2010-11-4 01:24 AM     標題: 10-11赛季湖人阵容大解剖

本帖最後由 kingjames 於 2010-11-3 09:27 AM 編輯


On paper, the 2010-11 Lakers should be even better than the team that won the NBA title in each of the past two seasons.
Wait … how is that possible?
It’s not like a team can do better than winning a championship, of course, but it certainly can play better basketball along what Phil Jackson often refers to as “the journey.” Whether or not motivation can be drawn from what Jackson says will be his last season as coach, the one in which he searches for his remarkable fourth three-peat, remains to be seen.
But an obviously improved bench, a potentially better team vibe and better health could quite tangibly lead to improved basketball. More specifically, free agents Steve Blake and Matt Barnes couple with rookie Devin Ebanks to boost the pine crew, a more veteran team than last year’s has a better chance to focus only on the court, and other than Andrew Bynum (likely out until the end of November at the earliest), it’s a healthy group of Lakers. More wins could result, but will the regular season be more about “playing the right way” towards victories, or simply trying to get to the playoffs as fast and as healthy as possible?
To delve more deeply into the roster, we looked inside the box score for each player, summarized detailed individual scouting reports from assistant coach Jim Cleamons and offered an X-factor pertaining to all 14 players on L.A.’s roster.


Below are the guards.


Fisher averaged 7.5 points on 38 percent shooting with 2.5 assists in 27.2 regular season minutes per game and bumped up to 10.3 points on 44.8 percent from the field with 2.8 assists in 32.8 postseason minutes. He shot 36 percent from three in the playoffs.

Clem Says
“He’s the best point guard we have. It’s very simple. He has the most discipline, understands what we’re doing, is very competitive and knowledgeable and he knows the line forms behind him. What else do you want from a leader? We have impeccable trust in Fisher. He’s our guy. End of conversation.”
Fisher is the undoubted emotional leader of the Lakers. While Kobe can inspire by example and through bad cop technique, it’s his fellow 1996 Draft classmate that sets the tone verbally throughout the season and particularly in the postseason. L.A.’s coaches are quick to warn against judging Fisher’s sparse offensive output, which to them only signifies that his focus is on setting the table for more talented offensive options. So important to Bryant was Fisher’s re-signing that No. 24 spoke with him daily throughout the free agency process.


在常规赛中,他场均27.2分钟,以38%的命中率拿下场均7.5分, 2.5次助攻。
11- 他在上赛季总决赛第三战中,第四节独得11分,帮助湖人拿回主场优势。
13- 只有13位NBA球员手中的冠军戒指多过老鱼。
413- 连续打了413场比赛,从2005年4月13日开始他这就没休息过了。






Blake appeared in 80 games for Portland and the L.A. Clippers last season, averaging 8.6 points, 4.8 assists and 2.3 rebounds for the Clips in 27 minutes per game.

Clem Says
“In a nutshell, Steve is a solid pro. He understands the game, he’s going to do what he can do to help the team win and he understands that’s where his bread is buttered. He’s going to be a good teammate, and he has the basketball and athletic skills to back up that mental side. I think he and Fish will play well off each other, and there are times that they could play together. You don’t want to leave either one alone, because they can both stretch the defense and also handle the ball.”
Within a week of training camp, Phil Jackson acknowledged that Steve Blake had picked up the triangle offense faster than nearly anyone he could remember aside from hoops savant Pau Gasol. The thought is that Blake will be able to run the team’s second unit effectively thanks to a combination of that hoops IQ and his selfless attitude, which has already endeared him to L.A.’s locker room. In other Blake news, the Maryland National Champion (2002) boasts athleticism that’s far better than you thought it was.



1- 生涯里有1次大三元,就是在对垒湖人队的时候完成的,他拿下23分,10篮板,11助攻。
13- 09-10赛季时,他在助攻与失误对比率下,全联盟排名第13.
43.7- 上赛季在快船,布莱克在三分球上的命中率和莎莎一样,43.7%




First, his 2009-10 awards haul: Finals MVP (2), First-Team All-NBA (8), All-NBA Defensive First Team (8) and All-Star starter (12). Now, the numbers: 27 points, 5.4 rebounds, 5.0 assists and 1.55 steals in the regular season; 29.2 points, 6.0 rebounds, 5.5 assists and 1.35 steals in the postseason, including 11 of 12 straight games with at least 30 points.

Clem Says
“Knowing him the way I do, he’s going to sit back and figure out what he needs to do and when he can take over. He’s a thinker. He’s looking, he’s observing and until he gets 100 percent, who knows what he’s going to bring on a nightly basis other than making sure we get that W. We all know what Kobe can do … he’s the best closer in the league, and who really cares about the rest of the numbers? He’s got the rings, and that speaks volumes right there.”
X-Factor = HEALTH
Generally the offseason is a time for Bryant to pick a specific area or skill he’d like to add to his game. In 2009, for example, he worked with Hakeem Olajuwon on his post game, and proceeded to have his best career season on the low block. This past offseason, however, was all about getting healthy, and Bryant spent the entire summer and early fall rehabilitating his right knee after arthroscopic surgery. The Lakers, of course, need their best player healthy to three-peat, and his daily progress throughout the preseason was certainly an encouraging sign that the NBA’s most well-maintained body should be primed for 2010-11.



6- 科比在上赛季落幕后,在联盟得分排行榜上排名第6.如果科比在最后3战中的得分能提高至他的平均得分(大概27分),那他在季后赛得分排名将会上升至第四名。
7- 上赛季科比绝杀的命中率跌了7%
49- 科比在上赛季季后赛中只投了49颗3分球,他生涯最高纪录是131(命中率是37.4%)




Brown’s regular season minutes jumped from 7.6 in the 2008-09 regular season after getting traded to L.A. in February to 20.7 minutes in the 2009-10 regular season, when he posted 8.1 points on 42.7 percent shooting with 2.2 rebounds. In the playoffs, his minutes dipped back to around 14.0 per contest, in which he averaged 4.9 points.

Clem Says
“Shannon came back from the summer, and I teased him saying he looked big like a defensive back. Thus far he’s doing well. If we can just get him to shoot the ball in rhythm, take his open shots and knock them down, he could have the world by its tail. Rather than putting the ball on the floor, just catch and shoot. Don’t worry about trying to get to the cup on every possession. Get to the cup in transition, and if a guy takes away what we call your direct line, take the little 15-footer over the top of him. If that’s not there, move the ball on. He’s done this well in training camp.”
Born and raised in Maywood on the West side of Chicago, Brown is the only Lakers player from the Midwest. The East (Artest, Bynum, Caracter, Ebanks, Odom, Bryant) and Atlantic (Blake), South (Fisher and Ratliff), West Coast (Walton and Barnes) and Europe (Gasol and Vujacic) are all better represented. Regardless of where he learned the game, Brown can be an X-factor on the floor this season for L.A. through his elite athleticism, which is unique on the Lakers. Well, just not too much of it, as suggested by Cleamons. In non-related, off-the-court Brown news, the Michigan State product recently confirmed that he is engaged to singer Monica.


13.1- 在来到湖人2个月后,布朗的上场时间增加了13。1分钟
16.4- 在科比缺赛的7场比赛中,他场均得到了16.4分。




Vujacic struggled with injuries and a lack of playing time throughout the 2009-10 season, averaging 2.8 points and 1.2 rebounds in 8.6 minutes per game. He missed the first two rounds of the playoffs with a severe ankle sprain and saw limited duty thereafter.

Clem Says
“Sasha has to learn that it’s not all about putting the ball in the basket, but, ‘What do I need to do to get on the floor.’ He might be able to play some three at times, or some two. Sasha’s defensive activity can get under some opponents’ skin, and he can be aggressive. He has the skills, but it can’t all be just spotlighted at the offensive end. His contributions at the other end as well will affect the playing time that he gets.”
X-Factor = ...DEFENSE?
Sure, the Lakers would love Vujacic to find the three-point range that helped him earn his “Machine” moniker two seasons back. But shooting aside, who knew Phil Jackson could deploy him as a defensive agitator off the bench, set free to harass and annoy opposing guards for short or long bursts of time? The Slovenian is long and quick enough to stay with most perimeter players, and also has an advanced understanding of how to chase players around screens, since he’s run off them himself for years. In other words, while known early in his career as a shooter, it’s on the defensive end where Vujacic may be able to carve out additional minutes, at least on a team needing minutes for Bryant, Fisher, Blake and Brown in the back court.



2- 投进了上赛季总决赛第7长最后的2颗罚球
18- 沙沙的未婚妻法拉波娃在女子网球协会排名第18位
30.9- 沙沙09-10赛季三分球的命中率,比起他07-08赛季创下的湖人单赛季最高的记录43.7%少了很多。




Below are the forwards.


The Spaniard, who made his second straight All-Star team and was named to the All-NBA Third Team despite missing 17 games, averaged 18.3 points, 11.3 rebounds, 3.4 assists and 1.74 blocks on 53.6 percent shooting in the regular season and 19.6 points, 11.1 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 2.09 blocks on 53.9 percent shooting in the playoffs.

Clem Says
“Why wouldn’t you think he is the best all-around big man in the league? He’s one of the most skilled players in the league regardless of size. I tell my friends all the time that he should have more touches. Simply put, he does good things when the ball is in his hands. That’s the type of player you want to have the ball, because teammates will cut harder knowing they have a better chance to get the ball back. These are the things that promote good team chemistry, because even if you didn’t get it back, it was because he made a better basketball decision. That allows you to keep working.”
X-Factor = SKILLS
Cleamons had this one pegged once again, as Gasol’s skill set is simply unfair for a legit seven-foot big man: he can score with either hand from any angle down low; his jump shot is pure out to 18 feet; he can put the ball on the floor and drive right or left; he has a hook shot with either hand; he goes up-and-under; he can finish through contact; he makes free throws … and so on. Meanwhile, Gasol has increasingly used his size to impact games defensively (particularly late in games), holding up just fine one-on-one with Orlando’s Dwight Howard in the 2009 Finals, and blocking a career playoff high 2.1 shots in the 2010 playoffs. With the “soft” questions that stuck to both Gasol and Odom after L.A.’s 2008 Finals loss now firmly answered to the contrary, it’s tough to find any holes in the Catalan’s game.



8- 加索尔以12192总分,场均18.8分在NBA国际球员里排行第8
40- 他在上赛季出赛的65场比赛中,40场拿下两双的数据。
91.7- 这是从加索尔交易到湖人后季后赛的胜率。赢了11个系列,2个总冠军,只在08年输给了凯子。




Odom averaged 10.8 points and 9.8 rebounds with 3.3 assists in the regular season, playing in all 82 games while starting 38 times as Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum missed 17 games apiece. Odom high-stepped up his averages up to 9.7 points, 8.6 boards and 2.0 assists in the postseason, and was impactful defensively throughout the season.

Clem Says
“I think he’s gotten stronger as a player, but with his (summer spent playing in the World Championships), he has to continue to take care of himself so he doesn’t get worn out. He’s been a little more active, a little more aggressive, both of which I like. But in general, you just gotta love L.O. He lays it out there, and no matter how much he does, people always want him to do more. I just smile at that. We know he’s going to come play when it counts, that he’s going to get us all-around production. He gives us as coaches a great deal of flexibility because he’s a natural mismatch. Fours are too slow, threes are too small, and as he’s gotten older, Lamar realizes how he needs to play. He plays the two, three, four … whom are you going to put on him? It’s a problem for opponents.”
X-Factor = THE GLUE
As Cleamons said, “Guys just like Lamar … he’s a wonderful teammate.” In fact, it’s not just teammates and coaches that like Odom, but also the team’s staff and even the media (he was nominated for the Magic Johnson Award given by the Pro Basketball Writers Association), typically a tougher crowd to win over. Why does his personality actually matter to the Lakers? With Odom’s light-hearted, gregarious disposition, he finds a way to connect with every player on the roster from Kobe Bryant to Derrick Caracter, at once keeping the team together and loose through the toiling season. In Odom’s case, “The Glue” could refer to his role on the actual basketball court due to his ability to play all five positions and contribute across the board statistically.



13- 奥当和卡戴珊结婚13个月了,奥当也常出现在她的节目里。
717- 奥当用了717场比赛来达到6000个篮板和3000次助攻的表现,是NBA历史里第8快达到这标准的人。
1021201- twitter追随者的数量,湖人队里最高的。




He averaged 11.0 points, 4.3 rebounds, 3.0 assists and 1.4 steals in the regular season, and 11.2 points, 4.0 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 1.5 steals in a postseason in which his primary responsibility was on defense.

Clem Says
“I think Ron will be more comfortable because he’s more familiar with what we do and how we do it. We don’t really look at numbers, because it’s a total game, and overall I think Ron did very well last year. Sure, you wish some time he’d make more jump shots, but I think he’s going to be more productive this year. I can’t think of any other player you’d rather have to play one-on-one defense in the NBA for what we do and how our team has been constructed. His on-the-ball defense and the pressure he puts on with his hands is just very good.”
During his introductory press conference with the Lakers, Artest boldly declared that if the team did not defend its 2009 title, blame him. The St. John’s product carried that weight while struggling at times on offense throughout the season, but nonetheless managed to step up when he was most needed in the playoffs by: holding Kevin Durant 13 percent below his regular-season field-goal percentage; providing perhaps the play of L.A.’s playoffs by tipping in Kobe Bryant’s air ball to win Game 5 against Phoenix in the Western Finals; scoring a season-high 25 points in the clinching Game 6 against Phoenix; and finally appearing to be the only Laker not affected by the intense pressure of Finals Game 7. Then came the celebratory (to say the least) postgame press conference and a great summer in which he reveled in newfound positive attention. Artest’s happy, loose state of mind has carried into the preseason, during which he’s played much more comfortably on offense without losing any of his trademark defensive edge.



1- 阿泰拿到了第一枚冠军戒指,但是这没有阻止他想要拍卖做慈善的念头。
20- 他在总决赛第7场比赛里拿到了10分,包括了一记关键3分球,再加上5次抢断。
35.5- 这是他上赛季3分球的命中率,不错了,不过比起他之前赛季的40.0%还差了一点。




Starting at the three for Orlando, Barnes averaged 8.8 points and 5.5 rebounds in 25.9 minutes per game. In the playoffs, his minutes dipped slightly to 23.3, in which time he averaged 6.4 points and 4.7 rebounds.

Clem Says
“Matt is a competitor. I think that he will help us in our defensive schemes because he wants to play, he wants to prove himself and he plays with a chip on his shoulder. He’s worked to be where he is as a pro, and he sees that better days are ahead of him. He wants more success … and he’s a good fit. As he becomes more comfortable in our system, he’ll expand his game as the year goes on, and as he does he won’t have to rely only on a jump shot but can work into the offense in other ways.”

L.A. already has the luxury of boasting two of the NBA’s best perimeter defenders in its starting lineup in Artest and Kobe Bryant. But with the offseason acquisition of Barnes, Mitch Kupchak got a player who took that role for Orlando, a team that boasted the league’s second-best record. In other words, there will rarely be a time in which at least one of the Artest/Bryant/Barnes combo isn’t on the floor, quite a defensive luxury for Phil Jackson.



8- 巴恩特在9年的NBA生涯里打了8支球队(快船,国王,76人,纽约,太阳,勇士,魔术和湖人)
36- 他生涯的最高得分(1、03、07@灰熊)




Walton, bothered throughout the 2009-10 season with a bad back, managed only 9.4 minutes in 27 games played, averaging 2.4 points and 1.4 assists. He appeared in 16 playoff games, averaging 6.0 minutes per game.

Clem Says
“Luke knows how to play. We talk about Pau Gasol being a facilitator, but if Luke has the ball in his hands and you’re open, you better be looking for it. If it’s not there, it’s because he saw something that wasn’t on, like a quarterback that saw a linebacker coming across the middle. He’ll just tell you he’ll get you next time. Luke’s bigger than what you think he is, so he can handle some smaller fours and threes, and he’s going to make something good happen with the ball in his hands.”
It’s Walton’s biggest strength, the thing that makes Phil Jackson wish he were healthy enough to play with his second unit. But will Walton be healthy and effective enough to earn regular minutes on perhaps the league’s most crowded wing with Bryant, Artest and Barnes occupying minutes? In fairness, the University of Arizona product has been unable to contribute much in the past few seasons due to various injuries centered around his back. But teammates enjoy playing with Walton, who has always been a pass-first player thanks to growing up playing games with shot hungry older brothers. In addition to his pass-first nature, Walton has the height (6-9) to see over the top of most passing lanes, and has demonstrated the type of basketball IQ that can develop growing up with a Hall of Fame dad, allowing a relative mastery of Jackson’s triangle offense … if he can just get onto the basketball floor.



3- 留下1000分,500篮板和500助攻的太平洋球员,沃顿被包括在内。这也是儿子和父亲共拿下的冠军的排行数目(比尔和沃顿,里克和巴里,马特和小马特)
11.4- 在06-07赛季,沃顿场均33分钟,拿下11.4分,5篮板和4.3次助攻。过后,他的上场时间就一直在减少,23。4,17。9和9。4。




The 20-year-old Ebanks played two seasons at West Virginia, averaging 11.2 points, 7.9 rebounds and 2.6 assists in 69 games. Ebanks was named to the Big East All-Rookie team as a freshman and to the All-Big East Third team as a sophomore.

Clem Says
“I think he’s going to grow. We all like his length, his ability to get out and run. Young kids always have a lot of energy, and we’ll probably need it in some games. He’s big enough to play some four and usually three, but I also think he’s athletic enough to play against some big twos if we want to go to a funky lineup.”
It’s been a few years since the Lakers have had an impact rookie, with apologies to Sun Yue (2009), and not a single rookie last season. Due in part to L.A.’s finishing at or near the top of the league standings for the past three years, you have to go back to 2006-07, Jordan Farmar’s rookie year, to find a notable contribution. And despite Ebanks falling all the way to No. 43 in the second round, early indications are that his length, athleticism and ability on the glass from the wing may force Phil Jackson into playing him despite the presence of Ron Artest, Matt Barnes and Luke Walton on the wing.



3- 3位来至纽约皇后区的湖人球员(网银,阿泰和奥当)
51- 51年后再次打进NCAA前四甲,上一次是1959年。2010他也打进了全国篮球半决赛。



Below are the centers


Bynum averaged 15.0 points, 8.3 rebounds and 1.45 blocks on 57 percent shooting in 30 minutes per game in a mostly healthy regular season (65 games played), and contributed 8.6 points and 6.9 rebounds with 1.57 blocks in 24 minutes per playoff game while playing through a meniscus tear in his right knee.

Clem Says
“I think he will come back healthy. Four years ago, ‘Drew probably wouldn’t have been mature enough to play through the injury, but I think he has grown. When we get him healthy, when our team is 100 percent, I think he’ll come back and make an immediate impact. You don’t want guys to get hurt, but when you have a solid foundation in terms of how you want the team to play, they can cover for a little bit, so we want ‘Drew to be fully healthy when he comes back. ‘Drew is a tall, big human being. The quicker he realizes how good he can be, and that marinates in his mind, his length plus the things he can do around the basket are unique.”
Simple fact: when Andrew Bynum is healthy, the Lakers don’t lose much. It shows in the statistics, and has been proven when it counts in the playoffs. It’s no coincidence, in other words, that L.A. has won the last two championships with Bynum shoring up the paint at both ends, and lost in the 2008 Finals as he watched, helpless, in street clothes. This because there are few other big men alive that have the New Jersey native’s combination of skill and sheer size, as Bynum has displayed with consistent stretches of 20-and-10 basketball when he’s been fully healthy (e.g. late Feb. - March 2010, Nov. 2009, late Jan. 2009 and so on). Of course, “being fully healthy” has been the tough part for Bynum. L.A. has generally been able to compensate thanks to the rare luxury of being able to plug Odom in alongside Gasol, and they’ll do it again until Bynum returns from offseason knee surgery (July 28) in late November or early December. The Lakers no doubt hope Bynum will then play like they know he can in every game onward … but the 22-year-old knows he has to prove it on the court.



76- 当拜纳姆和加索尔都在首发阵容里面,湖人的胜率是76%,比起他们都不在的胜率(59%)高出了很多。
96- 在打满06-07赛季的82场比赛后,3个赛季里他总缺赛了96场。
124- 65场比赛里有124个扣篮,联盟里第3高(场均1.9个),整体排行第7.这也帮助他在命中率排行中得到了第五位(57%)




Ratliff opened the 2009-10 season in San Antonio, playing limited minutes in 21 games, before being traded to Charlotte. There he started 26 of 28 games, averaging 5.1 points, 4.2 rebounds and 1.5 blocks before contributing 11.8 minutes per game in Orlando’s first round sweep of the Bobcats.

Clem Says
“Theo can take care of the basket, but you don’t want him to have to do it night in and night out. You have to get a feel for what shots he likes to block and how he likes to block them, and funnel guys to him so you don’t wear him out. Drew (Bynum) doesn’t block shots (like Theo) yet, so one of the things that Drew will learn from Theo is how to do that.”
X-Factor = THE SWAT
Ranking 18th all-time in the history of the NBA in any category is pretty impressive, and the Lakers have already gotten a glimpse of how Ratliff got there in the preseason. In 85 minutes through the team’s first six games, Ratliff blocked eight shots, which looks better when compared with Gasol’s nine blocks in 177 minutes. While the Lakers have no plans to put the 37-year-old Ratliff on the floor for any extended amount of time, opponents have to respect his domain – the paint, of course – whenever he’s out there. Perhaps more importantly, as Cleamons described, is how much of the Wyoming collegiate’s shot blocking may rub off on Bynum.



6- 个孩子的爸,太太是克利斯泰纳。
9- 自从1995年被选进活塞后换了9次球衣背号,比巴恩特多一次但是他比巴恩特多打了6个赛季。
1963- 个盖帽,联盟排名第18.在现役的球员中,只有奥尼尔(2690),当肯(2235),肯比(2140),本华莱士(2032)的盖帽数比他多。




Caracter averaged 14.1 points and 8.1 rebounds in 27 games as a junior at the University of Texas at El Paso, ranking 16th in the country in field goal percentage (56.7 percent). In 53 games at Louisville in his first two years (14 starts), Caracter averaged 8.2 points and 4.3 rebounds.

Clem Says
“Right now he’s probably more of a five than a four. Collegiately, that’s the spot he played, and it’s tough to get a young kid who has built his whole career being the largest one to play in other ways outside of the post. His instincts are going to kick in, so that five is going to be hard to get out of him. Hopefully by the end of the year, he’ll be able to play four as well, depending on what we need, but we also need to just let him define himself based on how he plays on the floor. He chases the ball at the offensive end, and if you don’t put it away, he could very well get you an extra possession.”
X-Factor = SIZE
With the typical skill set of a center, Caracter does lack the typical height of an NBA center at 6-9, but has flashed an ability to score on the interior regardless. Still, particularly in the absence of Andrew Bynum for at least the season’s first month, and with Theo Ratliff’s inability to play big minutes at the age of 37, Caracter may find himself with the rare opportunity to play as a rookie second round pick. Whether or not he adjusts to being the biggest guy on the floor through college to often the smallest at his position in the League should determine how many minutes he’ll actually get. One thing L.A.’s coaches have liked regardless of how well he’s scoring the ball or matching up defensively: Caracter’s ball-hawking style on the backboards at both ends.



0- 他没看任何的电视节目,只喜欢看书和听歌。
1- 一个湖人的队友也是朋友,就是网银童鞋。他们曾经一起在纽约黑豹打过球,两位都是全国的最有前景的球员。
58- 湖人总经理库普切克在第58顺位选进了他,这是很少见的事,尤其是在卫冕冠军的球队里。



祝我湖再次卫冕成功!!!LAKERS GO GO GO!!!
作者: iloveyoukds    時間: 2010-11-10 08:46 PM

作者: steveng8lfc    時間: 2010-11-24 01:05 AM

lakers 個gm真係好野

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