原帖由 h2o 於 2007-5-24 07:56 PM 發表。 
( r6 H7 ~& C) s* s5.39.217.77乜真係有咁多人影相架 @@
: ?# r4 L3 I. _0 F- C/ i4 J0 gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5.39.217.779 ^* e3 \/ ?# ^% p- W: |% X
我會去果度長住 近巴黎 XD
. r; D: x2 t2 y4 jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb乜你唔知我係FBC咩:71: ... 你都好似係ABC喎~唔係咩? tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ r% {+ X: v& a0 ]) C' v
! q& }' |/ n. k% P" Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvbomg r u serious? i seriuosly didn't no tat ur a FBC!!!!!!!
5 K9 X! q1 G9 Hr u da one tat also no spanish?? " I+ q. x+ ?4 W
no ar i'm not ABC ar.. i just move 2 da states when i was lil' ar...
, j! ]; @$ M# h8 I" s: j( ] O' G3 k5 S- f! _' }& G1 D3 ^+ K
n yea thurr's actualyl lotz of "mo liu yun" tat stands in line 4 hrs 2 take picpics w/those characters haha...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ _# R+ D2 \3 y: D1 G4 b
wow near paris..i'm soo jealous.... i wanna go thurr 2.....
' `: c( e9 Q3 z5 E公仔箱論壇i hav soo many frds fr Europe tis yr n tey're all leavin durin da summer 2 go bk 2 their country...! L: x& P8 a+ Y, o
n i'm gonna miss tem soo much>< tat's y i hate bein soo good frds w/xchange students cus i alwaz end up missin tem ALOT.. J5 e5 m3 i% t3 T. ^
but yea... maybe i should go 2 Europe sumday 2 visit all of tem AND YOU lolx... 公仔箱論壇) Q6 C! v- ]' s# k, j: D
so where u live in France rite now ar? |