but you asked me to eat icy veggie
summei0529 發表於 2009-7-1 12:38 AM
u say the refrigerator isn't enough strong to "keep" your salad... so i recommend you to put in the freezer, like this sure will "keep" ur salad...
u say the refrigerator isn't enough strong to "keep" your salad... so i recommend you to put in the freezer, like this sure will "keep" ur salad...
h2o 發表於 2009-7-1 06:42 AM
water is the best~!!!
summei0529 發表於 2009-7-1 12:43 AM
don't know why i always give all my heart but ppl always mistunderstand it my "human relationship" is too bad
i go to find my comfort near Miss Chow..
chat later la :onion23::onion23::onion23:
don't know why i always give all my heart but ppl always mistunderstand it my "human relationship" is too bad
i go to find my comfort near Miss Chow..
h2o 發表於 2009-7-1 06:46 AM
i was only kidding ma~~~~ you know i am nice to you!!!