【免空】Hock Hochheim - KnifeFighting 地面刀具格鬥技朮

about author:
Hock Hochheim's Credentials
Military, Civilian Self Defense, Police, Security and Martial Trainer and Consultant
Over 3 Decades of Training and Experience.
"You know, in the course of doing business, it's necessary to list your credentials in order to provide a sound base from which to teach. This bio page is not a vanity piece.
In today's world, it's a necessity.
There are many trainers and instructors out there who pretend, lie and fabricate their backgrounds to falsely gain the trust of students passing themselves off as experienced police, military, martial, bouncers and bodyguard vets.
The photos and creds below are here in such length to let you know I've earned your trust, and to make it easier for students to tell the difference between the real things and frauds and imposters.
Law Enforcement, Military Experience and Training
3 years in Law Enforcement consisting of:
-Well over 1,500 felony and misdemeanor arrests.
-Multiple police commendations.
-23 years in Line Operations ("Line Ops" as street patrol officer and case agent detective)
Hock Hochheim 是一位資深防衛專家,經歷頗具傳奇色彩,他從23歲開始從事刑事偵察工作,1974年到1977年擔任美國陸軍軍事警察,1997年從事安全防衛工作至今,曾負責和參與紐約市長Rudy Guilanni和美國總統喬治布什等人的保衛工作,以及很多作家,運動明星,影視明星的公眾活動的安全工作,也多次擔任軍方和警方的格鬥教官。Hock Hochheim學習過很多武技,比如合氣道,Kempo拳,菲律賓武術,柔術,截拳道,Silat,泰拳,空手道等等,其中很多都獲得了黑帶段位。同時,他也是SFC(科學格鬥協會)的創立者,2001年被美國《黑帶》雜誌評為年度最佳器械格鬥教練。
本教程是 地面刀具格鬥技朮
http://www.sendspace.com/file/ep4f0g Hock.Hochheim.-.Ground.Zero.Knife.Fighting.part1.rar
http://www.sendspace.com/file/cljc9u Hock.Hochheim.-.Ground.Zero.Knife.Fighting.part2.rar
[ 本帖最後由 chibaa 於 2009-5-10 12:50 AM 編輯 ] |