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[疑難排除] 請問是否不可以裝2個不同防毒軟件?


本人正用windows vista, 請問是否不可以裝2個不同的防毒軟件?

而且还会常常crash file~~

回應 koe 第 1 篇文章

i think cannot because the computer will slow and sometime errors
but i'm using nod32 and avira...
so far no problem.
normally norton, mcafee and pc cilin c'not install 2gether, this wil make ur computer hang when system startup.

我部電腦就是預設了NORTON試用版, 我另外再裝了NOD, 有時候會無故關機或是啟動WINDOWS時有問題, 聽說可能是因為這個原因, 還以為是電腦出了問題...謝謝各位.
Cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will make ur computer file crash!!!!!!!!!!! Dont install two antivirus, u sure will regret de!!!!!!!!! By the way, it will consume lots of computer memory!!!!!!!!!!!!!
must depends which antivirus, norton, mcafee and pc cilin cnot install 2gether...
now my system is using two antivirus, nod32 and avira antivirus.
can  but there will be some problem when u use longer

回應 koe 第 1 篇文章

当然,拥有Virus恐惧症者不谈 = =“

Windows Vista 本身的 security enhances 很强了。加上一个Anti-virus就够了。

(当然,本人立场建议正版,别用free version,free version 往往降低了功能。Windows Vista 也是建议使用正版,不然OS本身往往很多的漏洞没有更新。- 唉,没办法,谁叫 Microsoft 往往是喜欢被攻击的对象 ,不然 Microsoft Windows 不失为一个很好的OS -)
i suggest one anti-virus is enough ler
because two anti-virus can't 100% sure that ur pc will not 100% attack by virus
if the virus really want came in
u use the best anti also not use...

this is my own opinion...
my japanese name
秋本 Akimoto (true autumn) 紅葉 Momiji (crimson blade)
曾经这么干过  那个机子是一个叫卡  经常死机