manyiu (Manyiu=Hamster)當前在線
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-22 07:16 AM 發表 So u mean if bb is not here, more girl will come !! let me ...... .
boy12 (十二少 BoyBoy)當前離線
五星級 VIP 榮譽會員
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-22 07:18 發表 maybe I should go to other house to chat now I stay here for too long
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-22 07:19 AM 發表 I give u thumb thumb and $10 !!
blueocean (blue blue)當前離線
會一心一意愛一個女仔,錫晒佢♡ ...
原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-10-22 07:19 AM 發表 Don't guess wrong, otherwise, Blue Blue would hate me! The meaning is not too " flower flower"get it?
原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-10-22 07:19 發表 Don't guess wrong, otherwise, Blue Blue would hate me! The meaning is not too " flower flower"get it?
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-22 07:21 發表 there is nothing in the world you do will make me angry because I don't angry at girl I only get angry at boy.....boyboy
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-22 07:20 AM 發表 If u do that I will follow u where ever u go !! and ...........
原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-10-22 07:20 發表 Boy Boy 好大手筆呀!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-22 07:22 發表 I am going to do homework you want to follow me to do homework
rrliew 當前離線
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-22 07:25 發表 see you guys later....or maybe never don't know how long I will dive water this time
原帖由 rrliew 於 2008-10-22 07:26 發表 hello.我来了.
dicksonkhan 當前離線
原帖由 rrliew 於 2008-10-22 07:26 AM 發表 hello.我来了.
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-22 07:28 發表 Hello rr, is that big or small today !! I want to play casino, please give hint !!