本帖最後由 cck_my 於 2010-10-3 07:27 PM 編輯 14593# cck_my
My dearest VIP CCK, Mi Amore ....U no good leh..!!! Now U made me so "Pai Seh" oledy..
Your BIG BOLD PRINTS like amplifier lor, with 4 surrounds and Bose Base..."Aduh !" "OMG !" Ai..yoh..!!
Now how to look into 天哥's handsome face leh...his dreamy eyes so electricfying ah???
Tell me ..tell me what do I do now..? Why ? Why? cck u very the no good my dear ...why ah?
I got blasted so bad, so hurt so terrible lor...SAI YUEN (PROMISE) LIKE SEK SANG CHOY KA (VEG)..?
Where my foong doe pin pin...and mei lek brother cck ah...?
Ain't no way to treat lady like this leh...
kimmi8k 發表於 2010-10-3 03:58 AM  A nice setup

The truth is: it is from the bottom of your heart and actually everyone know that i'm not 风度翩翩 |