You wanna be:
and the only?
cck_my 發表於 2010-10-25 09:13 PM 
Aiya, video ni tak dapat tenguk lo, over here, due to Sony copywrights I guess. But I suka Backstreets Boys too. Tapi tak jadi to be the "ONE", looking at my reflection in the mirror...tak ada hope lo...I am just the opposite of Tian ge's goddess!!!!!
Rambut I short, like the icon almost sama style dan sama length lo. Tak ada 靚女 quality la. All the 6 goddess long hair leh and punya badan yang bolih stop your breadth la. Me Plain Jane next door lo. Kepala I kechil tak bolih pakai big hat la...dan I small timid heart la..nanti bolih jadi hal yang semua ketawa lo.
Ah, I suka the Halloween Outfit leh, cute and charm, and I suka the fall colors di background belakang. So warm, earth and comfortable. Sama macam sunset at dusk, cantik la. Habis, Halloween nanti, pakai yang street clothes you la, itu clean cool look, tapi ada chic charm la.