不错 喺要有這種心态 但喺幻想永远是美好 現實永远是殘酷的 得過做字付出得不到 應有的收获 熬壞身体大病一場的時候 你就會很沮丧 咁樣的生活我維持三年多 每日早上7 8點就要起身沖涼洗衣服還要順便和同事洗咪有時佢 ...
di0208 發表於 2016-9-22 01:51 AM  just think why singapore needs malaysian workers? to do something they are not willing to do...
it's a good thing that you are enjoying the current lifestyle in your hometown. some people never learn and still working at singapore washing dishes.
btw, where can i find your female roomates so i can help her to 洗咪咪? |