拜纳姆用高科技踏车 克雷扎第二场将首发
High-tech treadmill steps up rehab for Lakers' Bynum, Ariza
The NASA-derived device is gaining converts with an anti-gravity method that helps players recover from lower-body injuries.
If it looks like something that was not designed for this planet, that's because it wasn't.
The anti-gravity treadmill that Laker players Andrew Bynum andTrevor Ariza have used during their rehab from lower-body injuries isderived from NASA technology that allows astronauts to maintain theirfitness during prolonged flights. The team's backup center Chris Mihm,who returned to action last month, also used this exotic treadmillduring his recovery.
The device looks a little quirky, with the athlete's lower halfof his body encased in something that resembles half of a kid'sinflatable bounce house. But it is also quickly becoming popular amongrehabbing athletes.
By strapping their lower bodies into a pressurized enclosure,the athletes reduce the pressure and weight on their legs while theyrun. Trainers can set the treadmill so an injured player can run atwhatever percentage of their body weight they so choose.

Theprofessional's version is called the G-Trainer Pro, made by Alter-G,and was first used by the Washington Wizards two years ago. ShaquilleO'Neal, Yao Ming and Amare Stoudemire, among others, have used it since.
The treadmill is replacing swimming pools and other methods forplayers recouping from leg injuries. Instead of a player running in apool, where water lightens their body weight but also alters how fastan athlete can run in place, this new treadmill allows them to retaintheir natural stride and reduce the weight on their injury.
"Pools are kind of like that old 'Far Side' cartoon where thescientist has an equation that says 'Step 2', then a miracle happens,"said Jack Irving, vice president of sales and marketing for Alter-G,based in Menlo Park.
“游泳池是很久以前的恢复方法了,科学家们作出了第二步行动,然后奇迹发生了,”在 Menlo Park.卖这种踏车的营销部副主管Jack Irving说道。
One minor thing before a weekend warrior rushes out to buy one: it costs a pretty cool penny.
The anti-gravity treadmill costs about $75,000 and mostprofessional teams rent one. The rental fee runs from $1,800 to $2,400a month.
The Clippers' Elton Brand used the treadmill during his recoveryfrom his ruptured Achilles. When he returned to playing in March, thesame machine was shipped over to the Lakers practice facility so Bynum,among others, could begin using it.
Kleiza expected to start in Game 2
He scored 23 points in opener for Nuggets, but it could leave a hole on the bench.
The Denver Nuggets have made the firstadjustment in the playoff series against the Lakers, with Linas Kleizaexpected to start in Wednesday's Game 2 at Staples Center.
Kleiza, a bruising third-year forward, scored 23 points off the bench in Sunday's Game 1.

The move gives the Nuggets more immediate scoring punch, but also has its drawbacks.
Denver's bench becomes less impressivewith point guard Anthony Carter shifted there. And, because the Nuggetswill start only one guard in Allen Iverson, Lakers Coach Phil Jacksonsaid his team will probably add more full-court defensive pressureWednesday.
"[There are] little things that we can doto disrupt their advance of the ball and some things we like to do whenthere aren't as many ballhandlers out on the floor," Jackson said atTuesday's practice. He also said that Denver probably would play morezone defense.
As for the Lakers, they were relaxed and all smiles during Tuesday's media session.
"We are all stand-up comedians, I don'tthink anybody knows that about us," Kobe Bryant said. "We just lovebeing around each other and having fun."
He added that there was little concernamong the Lakers that some of the chippy play in Game 1 would spillover to Wednesday. Sunday's game featured five technicals, a flagrantfoul and Iverson's ejection. "For us, it's not something that we giveany thought to," Bryant said. "It's playoff basketball, intense andguys getting after it."
"If I'm Denver, I'm still sitting overthere comfortable because I know that our goal is to come here and geta split. So, it's our duty and the pressure is on us to not let thathappen."
Ronny Turiaf (sore throat) went through alimited practice and is expected to play tomorrow. D.J. Mbenga is alsoexpected to be available after taking a knee to his ribs duringMonday's practice. Turiaf played only three minutes in Game 1, andMbenga didn't play.
喉痛的图里亚夫经过检查,并无大碍,他会在明天上场。在周一训练中膝盖受伤的DJ姆本加明天也可以上场。在第一场比赛中,图里亚夫上场3分钟,姆本加没有上场。 |