Phil Jackson: Coach of the Year? 菲尔-杰克逊:年度最佳总教练? 翻译:S

Okay,let’s start off by saying that PhilJackson will most likely not bewinning the coach of the year award.This obviously has to do withByron Scott coaching the New OrleansHornets to the 2nd seed in a verydeep Western Conference and how Doc Rivers turned around the BostonCeltics. But lets be honest, if I had Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, andPaul Pierce, I probably could have coached them to the best record(obviously this is a joke).
Okay, 菲尔可能不会获得年度最佳教练。最佳教练可能是布莱恩-斯科特,他带领黄蜂队在高手如林的西部获得第二的宝座;或者是多克-里弗斯,凯尔特人本赛季的“大转变”有他的功劳。
PhilJackson has kept this team together through training camp,theinjuries, and incorporating new players. Through all of this,theLakers came out as the number one seed in the toughestWesternConference in years, potentially ever. Most people believed theLakerswould not even make the Playoffs back in October.
Lets all take a trip back to this pastsummer/training camp when the whole Kobe situation was going on. Philwas in Kobe’s corner and was the only one in the Laker’s organizationwho Kobe would trust at this time. Phil told Kobe to take a few days off from training camp to clear his head. After that time, he told Kobe that it was time for him to step up, forget all of the trade talk, and be the leader that this team needed.
Phil did an activity where the playersstood up and said their names and something about themselves. Kobestood up and said, “My name is Kobe Bryant and I want to win aChampionship”. From that day on Kobe was a member of the team and hestarted to believe in the younger players and their development,especially Farmar and Bynum.
Phil Jackson guided this team through the troubles that was the Kobedebacle and made them closer as teammates and as people. Thechemistryon this team began to grow, which has translated to betterfluidity onthe court. In blowout victories, the fans can repeatedly seetheplayers laughing on the bench as the reserves finish off the game.Philused his Zen Master ability to bring them closer together.
Even through all of these injuries, Phil kept the team together and led them to the best record in the Western Conference.
Letsjust recap for a second… Lamar Odom missed the first 4 games of theseason, Bynum only played 35 games, Gasol was around for only 27 games(injuryand trade), Vlad Rad missed a significant amount of time, Lukewas inand out of the lineup, Trevor Ariza has missed many games,andChris Mihm missed most of the season yet again due to his anklethatwill never heal. We also had Kwame Brown starting at center forasignificant amount of time. Only Kobe,Fisher, and Farmar were able toplay in every single game. Phil Jacksonwas able to put players indifferent positions and still make it work.I know the record was barleyabove .500 at that time, but it kept us inposition to get the best seedfor the Playoffs until everyone washealed.
让我们回顾这段历史… 喇嘛缺席了赛季最初的四场比赛,拜纳姆只打了35场比赛,加索尔也只参与了湖人的27场比赛(由于伤病和交易),拉马错过了一段重要的时期,小沃顿在首发和替补的角色间轮换出场,阿里扎缺席了很多比赛,米姆由于无法治愈的膝盖缺席了大半个赛季。卡梅-布朗曾经在绝大多数关键时刻以中锋身份出场。只有科比,费舍尔,砝码出现在每一场比赛中。菲尔让球员们以不同的身份出场,但是他们仍能胜任自如。那个时期的胜率高于50%,当所有的人都伤愈回归后,湖人理所当然的成为西部第一。
Wehave also had new players come to ourteam at different occasionsduring the season. In November, we gotTrevor Ariza for Maurice Evansand Brian Cook. Even though those twoplayers were not that critical atthe time, they were great teammatesand Mo Evans was Bynum’s bestfriend on the team. People thought thatwould disrupt Bynum’sdevelopment, but Phil sat the team down beforethey played the IndianaPacers that night and told them that the NBA was a business and tradesoccur when no one is expecting them.
In February, we got Pau Gasol for Kwame“the cakethrower” Brown and Javaris Crittenton. Paucame in right awayand made a huge difference. He had 24 points and 12rebounds against theNets in his first game. Phil was able to teach Pau the triangle offensein such a short period. Obviously, this has to do with Pau being asmart basketball player. Phil was able to have Paumesh with the team insuch a short period. This is what a great coachdoes when new membersarrive, even in the middle of the season.
Duringall of this, Phil Jackson has beenable to lead this team into theplayoffs feeling confident aboutthemselves. These Lakers have beenthrough a lot this season, butbecause of Phil Jackson’s coaching styleand ability he was able to havethem play as a team and make KobeBryant believe and trust in histeammates.
IfPhil can just get these Lakers to keepplaying at the level they havebeen and able to incorporate Bynum whenand if he comes back, then PhilJackson will get his 10th NBAChampionship and pass Red Auerbach. Ihonestly believe that this seasonhas been Phil’s best coaching job andhe will show it during thePlayoffs.
如果菲尔能够让湖人还能以常规赛的水平打球,拜纳姆回归后也能即时融入球队,菲尔将收获他的第十个总冠军戒指,这一成绩也将超过红衣主教。坦率的说,我认为这是菲尔执教生涯中最好的赛季,我们将在季后赛进一步看到菲尔的“禅宗”战术。 |