發表於 2014-2-19 01:53 PM
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係呀 番泥澳洲 1個月多DD, 涼瓜, 白蘿蔔相信下個月就有收成, D花都由死死地轉番靚花.
亞良 發表於 2014-2-19 11:24 AM  Hi Bro,
I have just setup a raised vege patch. about 1.5m x 6m. I bought some seedlings from the local nursery, they are mostly Australian veges. I've got green bak choi, broccoli, spinach, 2 types of capsicum, coriander and some strawberries. I love those purple sweet potatoes (pale skin), taros, and I would like to grow some ginger too. Have you tried any of those? Can you tell me where did you get those sweet potatoes seedlings? For the 白蘿蔔, I've ordered some seeds from eBay, I know there are two different type, one for summer and the other for winter, do you know how long does it take for the seed to germinate? And for the ginger and taro, you know how expensive they are here! Have you tried growing them here?
The vege patch is looking very nice now, I ordered some vege growing soil from a nursery, topped up with organic composed and dynamic lifter pellet, and covered with sugar can mulch. I put in an automated self watering system too. (Me being always lazy.)
Its been raining for last few days, so the timing that I put in the seedlings were perfect.
I may post some pics when the weather clears up. |
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow. |