Description Download the Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back table for free September 2 - 9, 2013!
Set in a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars Pinball lets you interact with the most iconic characters, and relive the greatest moments of the Star Wars universe in 3 Star Wars-themed tables: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Boba Fett.
Choose to support the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance with your high scores as the Star Wars Pinball community fights for the Balance of the Force!
The initial Star Wars Pinball download comes with the Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back table. Other Star Wars Pinball tables can be purchased as in-app purchases.
Additional Star Wars Pinball tables are coming soon!
May the Force be with you!
What the Press Are Saying:
Penny Arcade Report (Ben Kuchera)
If you’re a fan of pinball, Star Wars, or fun things, this is pretty much a must-purchase.
As a complete package, Star Wars Pinball delivers the kind of arcade experience that makes you crave just one more game, constantly chasing to surpass your own score for the sheer satisfaction of it.
Desctructoid - 9.5/10
Each table is chock full of beautiful art, character cameos, and tracks pulled straight from the films' soundtracks. These first three tables are a bold and equally stellar introduction to Star Wars Pinball, and they'll keep you more than busy until Zen Studios drops the next batch.
Game Informer - 8.5/10
You don't need to be a Star Wars fan to recognize the creativity Zen has brought to the new tables. The company continues to include more fantasy elements in its designs.
“Star Wars fans will certainly enjoy the visual treat this game offers. That, combined with the fun gameplay make this a must have. It is impressive. Most impressive.
Jump into hyperspace to check it out in the App Store.”
For fans of the franchise or virtual pinball in general, it's a real treat!
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Star Wars Pinball Support
Screenshots iPhone iPad
Customer Reviews SWP Review (It fully supports iPhone 5 screen)
by Giuliani Star Wars Pinball is an excellent addition to iOS virtual pinball. The app costs $1.99 and includes the Episode V table. It clearly states in the app description that it includes this one table and the Boba Fett and Clone Wars tables are in-app purchases that cost $1.99 each.
- Free
- Category: Games
- Released: Mar 19, 2013
- Version: 1.0
- Size: 40.1 MB
- Language: English
- Seller: ZEN Studios Ltd.
- © 2013 Zen Studios Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Rated 9+ for the following:- Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5. |