' A6 n2 l A% L
Hold on, no one can ever make such claim, even himself can not make some claim.
* p i. ~$ |# t2 W/ M4 B4 L$ Y; j, t! VHe is famous for his honest and righteousness. 2 O! R1 J3 p; g/ Y
2 T) O/ ^' q( ]$ o( g4 A& o4 q( ^. c5 M# H想一到被這個無材的混球毀了他的清譽! Y Y 被那姓高的害了,連我這個呆頭也看得出,包公與公孫老野居然會無符賣,不能破案。不如改作貪官,不可毀了包公的名譽! ...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb m; K3 l0 L$ f
anhla123 發表於 2013-8-17 03:23 AM  3 C. `& Z5 M, N! H0 p2 r
! V* I3 q: c# fThey are not god, they can make mistake.
: @. s2 D& D9 B; `8 ~/ ~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
$ |' x& h( q# p& @- X6 ?3 fAnyway, this is a comedy, even a proper 包青天 drama is full of bullshit, what can you expect from here. |