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Upgrade Windows 7 or 8

My notebook is :-

Pentimum M740  1.73GHz
socket 479
MMX, SSE(1,2)
chip i915GMS
ram: DDR2 -533 1.5Gb

Can I upgrade to Windows 7 or 8?
you can upgrade to Win7 32 Bits, but you need to avoid the the user interface of Windows Aero

the requirements of Win7 64bits & Win8 are similar, but it maybe a little bit "laggy" if you insist to run on your platform
maybe you can check the following links before making your decision:

Win7: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7
Windows Aero: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Aero
Win8: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_8
Thanks Ching

One more question from Windows 8

how to check my CPU Pentimum M740  1.73GHz is "1GHz或更快的處理器,一定要支援SSE2、PAE和 禁止執行位(NX bit)的處理器"
This is the specification of your CPU
http://ark.intel.com/products/27 ... _73-GHz-533-MHz-FSB

Clock Speed - 1.73GHz
SSE2  - Instruction Set 32-bit
PAE  - Physical Address Extensions  32-bit
NX  - with Execute Disable Bit

your CPU meet the minimum requirement of W8 in 32-bits, you can give a try
But if you are looking for a satisfied working platform, the CPU need to be upgraded which fulfilled a long-term usage
Thank you ching again

My friend want ask similar question for his old NEC notebook can upgrade Win 7 or 8
Pentimum M Banias  1.50GHz
socket 479
MMX, SSE(1,2)
chip i855GM
ram: DDR - 333 256mb x 2
"DDR - 333 256mb x 2"
得 512MB RAM 咁少個人不建議 由 98se or XP upgrade 去 W7 or W8, 就算係 XP 只 512MB 亦差些少 (1-1.5GB 較佳), 需靠在 Hard disk 建立較高 Vrtual memory 補足 (降低系統效能), W7 or W8 比 XP 所需更高 & 硬件型號太舊,  亦未必可找齊 Windows driver

Pentimum M Banias  1.50GHz
http://ark.intel.com/products/27 ... M-Cache-400-MHz-FSB
NX - Execute Disable Bit        No

This CPU was old-fashioned and fail to meet the requirement of W7 & W8
actually not recommended, because your socket is older than 775, and requirement for window 7 and 8 ram if can at least 2 GB, and processor at least duo core will be better and make sure motherboard got driver to support until window 7 or 8. if really want also must only window 7 32bit.
咁換法, 只可以用 win7 32-bit, 但對將來既機就冇價值, 因為新機唔會再停留o係 32-bit 款式
我用開只正版Win7.都要轉回win xp.. 因太慢,用開雙核.2.5G ram
Your laptop can use windows 7 home or pro 32bits, ultimate will be wasted for u because not able to use the graphic effect.
Else, Windows 8 home premium 32 bits also can.