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馬國明英文真係屎 !

睇緊第一集 , 對於讀過英文嘅人黎講真係一大侮辱 . 馬國明 , 你有冇接受過英文教育 ? TVB , 點解要勉强一個唔識英文嘅藝員不斷講英語對白 ? 7 U9 @. D: }& z* V8 h
請重覆三次 , Slavery Abolition Act ! 呢句係我聽到嘅 , 其他一句都唔明 .....
本帖最後由 sallytong 於 2012-10-23 12:54 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇1 J3 q  G; ], [  i# W H6 T' u" @# Q& S9 Z8 u# h3 a3 C1 |
馬國明 is 加拿大人!
0 y6 j$ {& r3 d. D, MEdmonton 的英文教育? ( C, G+ b. {. X" a3 {1 X7 A: }) O
加拿大華人 no need speak English lah.
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唔好搞笑啦... K  D; y8 w5 a' m! T+ e
2 a( G8 W+ m- D- s5.39.217.77但係佢d英文嘅口音真係完全好唔得...
本帖最後由 kevinwu10 於 2012-10-23 04:33 PM 編輯
) `2 A/ P% i; L9 Q4 \* }/ S3 W5.39.217.77公仔箱論壇% D; L& {+ k# }1 w) x! q  L. [
馬國明 is 加拿大人!
7 m. T" s9 K; i* a; ^& ~2 v* [; @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbEdmonton 的英文教育? # V% Q7 M: V0 [$ G; l5 b- m- K
加拿大華人 no need speak English lah. E( F% b& d% y: ]" F
sallytong 發表於 2012-10-23 12:51 PM
8 {& _  B! l, h: P5 [+ Z- K  Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 ~1 U' ~$ y' E
He only says hi, hey...
OK La !!
馬明既英文聽上去好生硬 反而劉松仁自然好多
As a lawyer today, his Chinese accent is a bit too strong. But as a lawyer at that time in Hongkong, perhaps his English is acceptable. I think so far he is okay and let's pay more attention to his acting in the series.
oh my god,cant understand
agree, his English is hard to understand