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想的多的人 不好

多心的人註定活得辛苦,www1.tvboxnow.com6 ~  B1 r, l/ H  e( V( {9 [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. J% E  H* V  Q4 n4 H  K' E
因為太容易被別人的情緒所左右。& O2 C" o5 |/ s' I( |
多心的人總是胡思亂想,結果是困在一團亂麻般的思緒中,動彈不得。公仔箱論壇! L% S' e" i3 S4 T4 S7 G/ }) y9 r4 _9 ?9 O8 g4 C1 V$ C
有時候,與其多心,不如少根筋。 9 e, l* v5 g8 Z" m2 w
7 @0 B! a" g* p, q公仔箱論壇Over-sensitive people condemned to live hard,
公仔箱論壇  T! z! k% b2 u, y8 U3 Q
" L; J2 ]- d& s' U! d: |becausethey are too easily influenced by others ' emotions. 公仔箱論壇( S; `  R" X/ k  [* Q! W0 o( y5.39.217.77& [9 J2 T3 X3 G* p- h: e* S  u4 M  ?
Oversensitive person isalways thinking about, the result is trapped in a mess of thoughts, to die. B* _0 D, ^( S% P
Sometimes, instead of over-sensitive, less-minded.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb,tv series,tv drama,movie,bt,download( b2 Z0 Q% K& D! @& O2 m! I' v# {  e
ya,you are right
7 i6 l  ?/ F( V7 D+ B有时候真的不可想太多