Weaving a web: An astonishing 20ft by 5ft silk blanket spun by Ermine Moth caterpillars to protect themselves and their food from predators

Shielded: The web on shrubbery opposite Belmarsh Prison in south east London is so thick it has the appearance of plastic

Protection: Experts believe it would have taken thousands of the tiny 1cms long caterpillars around two weeks to complete the web

Spooky: Residents were left stunned by the web that is so strong even snails can glide along the top of it

The very hungry caterpillars: Ermin Moth caterpillars, left, cocoon themselves with webs over their favourite feeding plants before pupating into adult moths

Favourite morsel: The caterpillars like to feed on hawthorn and blackthorn and will create a cocoon around the plants

Similar scene: Stunned villagers stand next to trees near Dadu, in Pakistan's Sindh province, that have been cocooned in spider webs |