一系列的圖像顯示綠色的蜂鳥上下盤旋、顛倒,試圖避開想分一杯羹的競爭對手 - 紫冠蜂鳥,牠盡了最大努力要獨享,最終仍得承認失敗離去。

Sticky beak: The green buff-tailed coronet spots its rival approaching, left, and hovers with its beak facing up in the air to try and keep the purple hummingbird away, right

Back off: The green buff-tailed hummingbird hovers upside down in a valiant attempt to deter its persistent rival

All in a flap: The vibrantly coloured birds battle it out over the banana flower

Victory: The buff-tailed coronet eventually admits defeat and prepares to flit away as its purple rival replaces it on the banana flower |