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Watchful: The lioness can be seen surveying the water as her pride waits to cross the river in Botswana's Okavango Delta

Lurking: The lioness spots the giant crocodile's head partially submerged in the waters of the river

Menace: The lioness bares her enormous fangs after spotting the crocodile in the river in Botswana

Spring: The lioness springs from the water and into action as she prepares to battle to protect her cubs from the lurking crocodile

Head to head: The photographer who captured these images said the struggle took place within a split second

Protective: The lioness succeeds in forcing the crocodile beneath the water

Escape: Seizing her moment while the reptile is under the water, the lioness makes a break for dry land

Escape: The lioness emerges safely on the other side of the river after bravely battling the crocodile to protect her pride

Diversion: As the lioness struggled with the lurking reptile, the rest of the pride were able to cross the river in safety

Battle wounds: The lioness was left bleeding after the crocodile clamped its jaws around her mouth |