laogan 發表於 2015-4-21 01:27 PM  I dont think so.
If you are saying "If you want to work hard for a job and finding better job" I agree with you.
If you are saying "If you are targeting to achieve something in life time" I disagree with you.
Canada is a perfect place for those who has dream and dare to challenge themselves , of course you have to work hard and know what you are doing.
I know some chinese they have less than highschool education, they dont write english, they dont speak english lol.. guess what they are now boss of a company and hiring 20+ people working for them. The education level does not limit a person's potential, the type of people, the language not limiting them too.
He makes more than most of the people who has higher education than him, because he has done something that most of the others do not believe it will work or never tried to make it work.
Its a matter of how you view the world and how you find your own chances.
Canada is good for those who has guts and ideas.
for general labor i dont think it will starve you but it would not take you anywhere either
The thing that matters is If you, "yourself" know what you are doing. |