2012年3月2日,阿根廷南方著名的莫雷諾冰川(Moreno Glacier)4年來首次崩塌。莫雷諾冰川是世界上少有的活冰川,目前以每天30公分的速度向前推進。莫雷諾冰川的一段呈冰堤狀,冰堤把冰川與正對面的麥哲倫半島連接起來。隨著流水滲透沖刷,冰堤下部最終崩塌後形成一個拱門。當拱門上方的冰墻漸漸支撐不住時,便會轟然崩塌。莫雷諾冰川最近幾次崩塌發生於2004年、2006年和2008年。



The leading edge of the Perito Moreno glacier before and after its complete rupture

Every year, tourists flock to the glacier to see lumps of ice crashing down into the sea
The leading edge of the Perito Moreno glacier before and after its complete rupture

Tourists wait to see the rupture of the leading edge of the Perito Moreno glacier near the city of El Calafate in the Patagonian province of Santa Cruz, southern Argentina