本帖最後由 pull3 於 2012-2-27 11:45 PM 編輯 even Terrence9 already help me got the office 2010 life time work. but thanks for the Vamt 2.0 information to verifly my office.
$10 million special dedicate to you! Lol
instation 3 秒前 ...
bambinixx 發表於 2012-2-27 07:55 AM  hey buddy, please try to be fair to me. Remember we talked in QQ, I pointed you a 64bit office with activation needed. You turned me down saying you did not want activation, you only wanted "Activated" version. If you would have accpeted that version I would also teach you step by step to install. Although I haven't liked "Terrence9' spent half a day in assisting you. I did spend 2-3 hours on QQ trying to do the jobs you offer, and you haven't appreciated that effort.
Ok, let's forget that. That is history already.
About the games you said it needs serial number to install? Look further into the file, try looking to read some file like, "readme.txt", install guide.txt.". If you really cannot figure it out, I will talk to you in QQ 1pm EST. Please don't accept other ppl's games unless I cannot help you. It is not fair to me. |