1554361Kimmi ...
You wrote a very wonderful and touching appreciation notes,
I like it ..
I wish you health, happiness and success in the coming Year ...
misery98 發表於 2011-12-29 07:26 AM  Thank you very much, I shall take it as a compliment.
Indeed I enjoy reading your perfect English as well.
U have very good English, where r u from?
Reading & pasting Chinese for me is quite stressful...even my own
name sometimes I forget how to write my last name n my 2nd name.
Coz have too many characters.
One time, quite long time ago, I wrote my Chinese Name, n nobody
can read my name. Later, when I spoke my name, they told me I missed one out
the other side of the word, so they cannot read it. hahaha
Since then I never forget how to write my chinese name. |