本帖最後由 excaliburs 於 2011-6-7 01:25 PM 編輯 Derrick martell Rose 生不逢時 
gotta get a better coach, & trade out Carlos Boozer
JackyNelson 發表於 2011-6-6 09:10 PM  好希望公牛爭氣d,快d 將dwight david howard買番嚟,拍住derrick martell rose倆嗰一齊喺公牛,將對公牛整隊嘅實力有著巨大無比嘅即時實質性嘅作用提升,really amazing, if so, would really be very perfect, i really hope this will be achieved!!!! finally,i most sincerely wish that the almighty god will always bless our greatest Chicago Bulls !!!!