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ECW Wrestler Chris Benoit Death

 ,  描述: 怀疑杀死老婆和儿子然后自杀!
The following is from WWE.com:

According to lead investigator Lt. Tommy Pope, of the FayetteCounty Sheriff’s Department, in Fayetteville, Ga., the deaths of WWESuperstar Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and son Daniel were the result of adouble murder-suicide, WWE.com has learned.

Benoit failed to appear both at Saturday’s live event in Beaumont,Tx., and WWE’s Vengeance: Night of Champions in Houston Sunday night,after informing WWE of a family emergency. Several curious textmessages sent by Benoit early Sunday morning prompted concerned friendsto alert Richard Hering, VP of Government Relations for WWE, Inc.Hering, in turn, spoke with Fayette County sheriffs Monday, andrequested that they respond to the Benoit residence to check on him andhis family.

Authorities representing the Sheriff’s Department initially had adifficult time entering Benoit’s new Fayetteville home Mondayafternoon, which had been guarded by two large German Shepherds roamingfreely around the property. Once authorities entered the residence,they quickly located the bodies of Benoit, Nancy and Daniel. WWE wasnotified of the discovery at approximately 4 p.m.

At 10 p.m. Monday night, Lt. Pope held a press conference inconjunction with Scott Ballard, the district attorney for FayetteCounty. The press conference officially ruled authorities’ findings asa double murder-suicide from within the home.

WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta,reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday.

The three bodies have been received by the Georgia Bureau ofInvestigation’s crime lab, in Decatur, Ga., where autopsies will beperformed Tuesday morning. Toxicology reports will not become availablefor at least two weeks.

WWE.com has further information relating to both the investigationand the cause of death, but the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department hasrequested that WWE.com not release any additional details at this time.
~"Chris Benoit " Rest In Peace ~
R.I.P. Chris Benoit & His Family

That's is a very sad ending of a awesome wrestler....
He is one of the best wrestler in WWE history......
以後都冇crossface 同 headbutt睇 lu........
rip Benoit
:ono .............
:ono Rest in Peace:ono

回復第 1 帖由 beck_ken7 所發的帖子

he always no 1 of the best ,no matter what he done,r.i p.