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试了拆开heat sink & processor 清理了,然后放了Thermal Paste,但是还是一样。

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
1# tomoko05


1. 拆出來 祼跑 (cpu + ram + display card)  --- 如果唔得 可能要換隻牛試試
2. 如果 ok,  就一件件 加上去
3. 都 ok,  就用 everest check 電壓 + 溫度
4. 最後入箱
try to go to the BIOS and check PC Health,
cpu temp =?
system temp =?
cpu fan speed=?
system fan speed =?

If you can't enter to BIOS setup;
Check you pc components wiring.
(one of the reason; cpu is  ...
views 發表於 2010-8-15 02:25 PM

i can't go in BIOS, just few second then the computer already shut down.
Component wiring is ok, the CPU is hot, but when cold down for whole night then tomorrow test again, can last longer, but also just like 1 minutes, then the computer auto shut down again.

The computer startup have "beep" sound
有冇check 下個cpu fan 係唔係死左呀?如果個fan 正常, 多數都係土火牛出事.
hmm.....mostly is caused by processor over heat...
依我的看法,我相信你的power supply 是时候换了,
over heat 的也有可能,
但你先试试 power supply, 可以拿去电脑店test先,查清楚是否电箱问题。。
want to check power supply no need bring to computer shop la... take it out the connector from motherboard, then by pass the pin 4 and pin 7, open current, if the power supply fan is spinning, that's means power supply is ok, u motherboard got problem lo...
Well, my cpu was overheated before.. I check the cpu fan so it all covered with dust. Maybe you should disassemble the the large cpu fan, remove the plastic then take a look on the heavy metal. If its covered with dust then you may take a vacuum to clean it then try to turn on it again..
你检查一下那个power键看看, 有些用久了里面的肮脏还是弹簧老化了,按下去时里面卡着,几秒后又自动off了