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好的声卡和build in在motherboard里头的, 有什么分别??
好的声卡和build in在motherboard里头的, 有什么分别??
sleepyoyo 發表於 2013-7-21 02:17 PM
分别非常简单: 一个是插卡式,一个是嵌入主板

Sound functionality can also be integrated onto the motherboard, using basically the same components as a plug-in card. The best plug-in cards, which use better and more expensive components, can achieve higher quality than integrated sound. The integrated sound system is often still referred to as a "sound card".

通常build in啲音質麻麻,除非底板標榜係高音質chip set。
sound on board 通常都是軟體解碼, 工作全由cpu負責. 獨立sound卡本身是有硬體解碼晶片的專門負責, 所以很細微, 複雜的音色定位等都可以分析到, 而cpu資源只佔很小.
呢家野像2人3足一樣. 最後結果係跟個慢果一個.
即係, 無一對好喇叭都無用.
所以一般的sound on broad, 配對一百蚊以內的2.0木喇叭已經足夠. 依家嘅sound on broad質素好過最初, 320k 同128k嘅mp3音質都聽得出.

至於獨立sound card, 也有唔同級數, 300蚊到3000蚊不等, 應該配咩喇叭, 相得益彰, 物有所值, 不能是但, 否則事半功倍. 真係需要玩開嘅朋友推介, 同埋自己對耳仔. 二人三足呢個比喻真係好貼切, 都係第一次聽到.